Tuesday, January 25, 2011


What type of lessons are you doing in your classroom to meet the needs of digital learners?


  1. Using the computer for computer games to teach language. Using my iphone to take pictures and then adapting them to put on an assistive technology device to use for a child who is non-verbal.

  2. I love integrating technology into my classsroom using iPods, iTouches, the iPad, etc. Storybird, Kidblog, Wix, etc. I'm always looking for new tools for the students to use and they enjoy publishing their creations.

  3. Honestly, this is the area in which I feel like I am letting my students down. This is the main reason that I signed up for this book study. My students use computers for research, publishing, and games; however, I don't think I am using all of the resources we have to their ultimate advantages. I am trying to find ways to better integrate and meet students' needs in authentic and relevent ways.

  4. Our students are unique. Each one learns differently and a “one size fits all” curriculum will not meet the needs of all students in our classrooms. Technology can help us differentiate instruction and help meet the needs of our digital learners. I use the SmartBoard to introduce and practice new concepts in a manner that will appeal to a variety of learning styles and preferences. Websites such as Raz Kids and SmartBoard lessons such as : http://www.elko.k12.nv.us/ecsdtc/SMART%20Boards.htm and http://exchange.smarttech.com/search.html?m=01 and the Harcourt Storytown Resources contain many leveled activities that will meet individual students’ needs. Students love to use technology to demonstrate their understanding and it encourages student creativity, individuality, and choice. Students in my classroom use technology tools such as VoiceThread, Wordles, Wix, and podcasts. They use digital storytelling programs such as Vokis and Storybirds and are currently blogging on Kidsblog. They really enjoy using the iPods and iTouches to share their stories. After reading Frog and Toad books, students retold the stories using puppets and they filmed it. They used OneTrueMedia to make a movie and posted it on our class wiki. It was much more effective than traditional book reports to demonstrate understanding and comprehension.
